Sunday 18 June 2017

John Wick 2

2017’s “John Wick: 2”, directed by Chad Stahelski.
Starring Keanu Reeves, Riccardo Scamarcio, McShane, Ruby Rose, Lawrence Fishburne, Peter Stomare, John Leguizamo, and Lance Reddick.

In the first John Wick movie, we saw a retired hitman (Reeves), brought out of retirement after his dog was killed by Russian gangsters (Spoiler alert: Reeves came out ahead while proving he was a murderous man of principle). In the sequel, we see Reeves back for more, initially miffed at how his car had been stolen by more Russian gangsters (lead by an over the top Peter Stomare). After sorting out an Uber issue, the film explores more of the ironic principles of the hitman world. Reeves is given an offer by Scamarcio that he cannot refuse, to kill his sister so that Scamarcio can be the leader of a syndicate. Dispatched to Rome, we see the standard getting ready for action montage as Reeves reluctantly goes to work.

Unfortunately (for Reeves), the Italy job is just the tip of the iceberg, as the plot thickens with treachery, bullets, and dynamic subtitles. One of the stranger and most unique action movies around, the sequel expands upon the original’s simplicity (and protagonist’s blankness), as we see more luxury hotel safe zones for assassins (must be quite the chain), more casual hitmen in a universe filled with nothing but them, a homeless group’s unlimited kingdom of riches, loyal concierge that double as dog sitters, and a hotel manager who seems to have omnipotent powers. By the end, as Reeves’ affectless hitman is ducking in a “Enter the Dragon” crossed with “Neon Demon”’s set design, we want to know where this is going. As an underling states in the beginning of the film- “Huh. Why don’t we just give him back his car?”


Trailer: Click Here.

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