Sunday 14 May 2017

Bad Moms

2016’s “Bad Moms”, written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore.
Starring Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Bell, Christina Applegate, Jada Pinkett Smith, Annie Mumolo. 
“BM” features Kunis as a married mother of 2 kids, working at her coffee company job and struggling to hold it all together. Her employer undervalues her while hiding behind an immature façade of friendly oppression, but even more challenging is how unhelpful and non faithful her husband is. In between working, treating the family dog, shuttling the kids to school, piano lessons, and soccer games, she snaps. Declining responsibilities to police the PTA bake sale for non approved ingredients, she heads down to the bar. She runs into a couple of fellow school moms (Hahn and Bell), and the 3 of them hit it off. With the miracle of public access to free-pour hard liquor, and Hahn’s frat girl free spirit, Kunis swears off responsibility and the pressure of doing it all. 
Freed from the shackles of morality and expectation, Kunis steals her husband’s trophy car, tells off the PTA leaders, and tells her boss where to go. The trio continue their adventure, emboldened by their vulgarity and newfound lack of delayed gratification. An opponent is found through Applegate’s director of the PTA, and Kunis’ lack of attendance at work creates mild tension- in between constant vagina and breasts’ references . Featuring plenty of scatological comments, “BM” keeps things light, even when characters have crises and resolutions. That’s fine and good for a comedy, but when the credits roll, there is a segment with the movie’s actresses and their mothers interacting that has more heart and humour than the entire movie preceding it.
“BM” makes the argument that society’s expectations are caging women, and freedom is only possible by letting go through behaviour resembling something from American Spring breakers in Mexico. It’s a somewhat positive message with happy conclusions, but one that could have been delivered more deftly than that of a high school popularity contest where the PTA has the power of multinational corporations and have meetings consisting of hundreds of people. But it’s hard being reality based when you already have “Bad Santa, Bad Grandpa, Bad Teacher, Bad Lieutenant, Bad Boys, Bad News Bears, and Bad Words”, all gumming up the works. With all of it’s provocative language/behaviour, this is one movie that will make you want to call your mom.


Trailer: Click Here.

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